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Mobile Apps Development
I will design stunning mobile app UI UX design using figma, xd
About this gig
Hi, I am a professional designer with a specialty in mobile apps UI/UX. I will design minimalistic, eye-catching, and state of the art UI/UX designs for your mobile apps to help your app come alive and stand out in the crowd using XD, Photoshop, FIGMA, or inVision 🙂
What you can get!
- PNG images
- Source file
- All copyrights
- NDA signed (if you want to)
- Mockup
- Retina display design
- Font files
- Details about character style, sizes, color codes, dimensions, assets for easy coding
- Interactive Prototype
Why Choose us!
- Fast, accurate delivery
- Specialized in UI/UX (Visual, Color Theory, Typography, User Experience)
- Trend, Awesome, Minimalistic UI
- Easy to use, User-friendly flow
- Unlimited Revisions
- 100% customer satisfaction
- You will get all necessary assets and detailed guidelines for your developers ( Color Codes, Assets, Fonts Families, Sizes, etc)
- SVG files for icons
- Vector-Based Work
- Interactive Prototype
Looking forward to working with you. Thanks 🙂