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I will critique and review your music as a nashville producer


About this Gig

Being an artist/producer is challenging, especially when you’re doing it alone. I have helped many artists and producers find their way by giving them the assurance they need, whether it’s through critiquing their song or having weekly phone calls to discuss their project. I have worked in the large studio in Nashville, TN as well as work on large scale projects daily with artists across the country.

If you purchase, I will review your project looking at categories such as song structure, commercial viability, sonic fidelity, dynamic range, stereo width, song development, and more, depending on what stage in the production process you are. For example, if your project is completely ready for distribution, I will do more in-depth mixing critiques and a mastering analysis.

Gig Extras: 

– Phone Call: Let’s chat! For 30 min, we can discuss my written critiques in depth and ask me any advice, questions, or for help on anything related to the process.

– Artist Manager Rev: Have a professional artist manager review your song.

Languages freelancer can speak