Loner’s Lifehack

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Loner’s Lifehack


It is indeed a curse to be lonely. What can we do if we do not have
someone likeminded to share things with us in whatever we do? Most
of us would not even like to watch a movie or eat at a restaurant

In this eBook, we have understood the problem of loneliness. We
have taken the problem piecemeal and analyzed it. Why does
loneliness happen? Can it happen to anybody?




Loner’s Lifehack

As humans, we are social creatures. We are like the ants and the bees
when it comes to sheer existence; we want others of our ilk to be with
us at all times.

Whether we are in the early years of our lives or in our prime, or have
crossed the age that most people consider to be the prime of our lives,
we want companionship. Loneliness can be a sure killer, and that is
the reason why most people try to avoid the blight of loneliness as
much as they can.

It is indeed a curse to be lonely. What can we do if we do not have
someone likeminded to share things with us in whatever we do? Most
of us would not even like to watch a movie or eat at a restaurant

In this eBook, we have understood the problem of loneliness. We
have taken the problem piecemeal and analyzed it. Why does
loneliness happen? Can it happen to anybody?