GigCouncil Privacy Policy


Thank you for visiting GigCouncil and using our services. We try to make our privacy policy easy for you to understand so that you are aware of it GigCouncil (GC) policy. This Privacy Policy, like our Terms of Service, is an integral part of your use of our Service. Therefore, by using our website or services, you agree in full to our privacy policy. 

GC Information Collected

Identifies the information you submit.

You do not have to provide any information to access our website. When you create an account, we may collect your name, email address, phone number and country of origin. We don’t ask for information about your personal documents. The information we collect and store on dedicated secure servers protected by Comodo Essential multi-security encryption ensures that the content information you present is secure. 

Non-Identifying Information;

When you visit our website, we may collect non-identifying information from you, such as: Your IP address, interactions with websites and services, referring URLs, browsers, operating systems, cookie information, usage, data transmitted, and internet service providers. We collect this for website security reasons, primarily to ensure the security of user and the GigCouncil (GC) website. However, our main priority is shameless web and user experience. The key is to ensure website connectivity and user satisfaction without anything harmful.

Accessing, Editing, and Deleting Information

After creating your account, you may be able to edit or delete your profile information in the Edit Profile area of ​​your GigCouncil (GC) account. However, if you wish to delete your account from the Website, you may make a request through your account profile dashboard on the Website. Again, if you need any help, you can open a support ticket through your account. After receiving your request, we will delete your account information from our database. Some changes may not take effect immediately because information may be stored in your web browser’s cache. Therefore, clear all browser caches. Updates will appear within 24-72 hours. 


We use cookies to save your preferences and shopping cart. For this reason, cookies must be enabled in your browser to allow you to use our website and services optimally. 

Law Enforcement

You agree that we may disclose your information to authorities if compelled to by a court order. Additionally, you agree that we may disclose your information if we reasonably believe that you have violated any law or the terms of our Terms of Service or Privacy Policy. We may also proactively report you and release your information where we believe that it is proper to do so for legal reasons, such as instances where we believe your publications violate any law of the United States or any other country having jurisdiction over us, our Site, Services, or our Terms of Service. You shall indemnify us for any damages that may arise from or in connection with the disclosure of your data in response to a request from law enforcement or private litigant.

Third Parties

GigCouncil (GC) is not used by third party websites and we believe that third party websites may be harmful to us and we always consider the safety of our users. It is no longer allowed. For this reason, we use our own system. For those users, love GigCouncil (GC) and add GigCouncil (GC) to the leading global services marketplace platform that connects freelancers with individuals and businesses.

Security Measures

We use Google Trust Services LLC with Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates and vulnerability scanning to improve the security of our website and services. We have implemented additional Comodo Essential SSL security encryption to ensure that all users of our website are safe. Keeping everything safe is our number one priority. 

International Transfer

GigCouncil (GC) provides users with a 100% secure payment gateway and proves the safety of their payment information. Our website’s main server is located in Arizona, North America. This location also has a completely secure dedicated server. We store all data from this server on our website and continuously update our server system to ensure security in all respects. We put the safety of our users first and use internationally accepted payment gateway systems.


Like our Terms of Use, we may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will notify you through the email address in your GigCouncil (GC). Your acceptance of the changes is a prerequisite for your continued use of our website and services. If you do not agree to this, you must immediately stop using our website and notify us by emailing

This Privacy Policy was updated on March 10, 2023