How GC Works

Create a gig

Register for free, publish your service and promote your work to a global audience

Deliver great work

Get notified when your order is received. Discuss projects with prospects using real-time communication.

Get paid

Get paid on time every time. Once approved, the payment will be ready for withdrawal.

Your Advantages

Why You Choose Us

Easy & Secure

Our platform is easy to use, understand and secure.

Real time communication

Freelancers and employers can connect with each other via real-time chat.

Daily Report

Daily reports of all work are monitored and controlled through a powerful and secure user dashboard interface.

Fast Results

Prompt results of projects and services will be delivered on time and employers will be happy with it.

gigcouncil Processing Steps


Start Today For a Better Future

GigCouncil is the #1 job board for finding remote jobs. No ads, scams or spam. Work from anywhere - join and get paid 

  • Register as Employers

    Hire in two steps

    Go to the home page first, click Sign In, then select Employer and continue through all the steps. After registration is complete, verify your account with your email and ID. 

  • Register as Freelancer

    Register for free

    First go to the home page, click Register, then select Freelancer and continue all the steps. After registration is complete, verify your account with your email and ID. 


  • Account Verification

    Verify your account

    After registration, all users must verify their email account to activate their account. Next, you'll need to upload your identity verification documents. Once he approves these two verifications, the account is fully functional.



Manage Your Profile Account

Thank you for putting all the information together and posting it on the GigCouncil Marketplace.

  • Employer Account

    After completing the registration process, you will be redirected to the settings on your profile page where you will have to enter all your company/business details.

  • Freelancer Account

    After completing the registration process, you will be redirected to the settings on your profile page, where you will have to enter all the details about your talent.

  • Freelancer Portfolios

    Freelancer accounts have a portfolio option. You can create different portfolios for each category and post sample works. 



Post a Job or Service

Freelancers and employers post their services and jobs once they have entered all the details about themselves in their profile settings.

  • Post Jobs As A Employer

    Once you have entered all the details about your company or business, the next step is to post a job through your free account. Employers can post 8 jobs for her at once with a free account. If you need to post more jobs, you can upgrade your package.

  • Post Services As A Freelancer

    Once you have entered all the details about your talent, you can proceed to the next step. This is to expose the service with a free account. A freelancer can post her 5 services on one free account and send her 4 offers at once for any job. She can upgrade her package if she wants to publish more jobs. 



Job and Service Management

Now everything has to be managed and work has begun.

  • Hire Services a an Employers

    Employers offering services should go to the services listing page and select the desired service. You can then either contact the freelancer or proceed with the payment and place an order if desired. After placing an order, our support team will manually approve that payment and the order will be sent to that specific freelancer so they can be connected to complete the work.

  • Job proposal

    Employers can choose which freelancers they want to work with, if freelancers want to send that particular job offer according to their talents. So, after choosing a freelancer, he/she can proceed with his/her work like in the employment services section.

  • For Freelancer

    Freelancers need to be vigilant in getting new jobs and perform flawlessly to satisfy their employers. Freelancers should always behave appropriately towards their employers.  



Focus on Work and Make Money

Once the work is done, the employer is satisfied and the freelancer receives the workload on his account. 

  • For Employers About Services & Jobs

    After you place an order, work will begin and you will receive an email confirming whether or not the order has been placed. You can also check for updates on your dashboard. Everything has to be perfect while working, and once the freelancer submits their work, we review and approve it.

    The project fee is 10%. This percentage is added to the total cost of the project.

    Service fee is 10%. This is used as a tax levied on employers at the time of employment. This percentage is applied to the total cost of the service.  

  • For Freelancer About Services & Jobs

    After receiving a new assignment, you will work according to the service you wrote and the work of your employer. All must be provided and provided in accordance with the employer's requirements. As soon as the project is in place, it must be delivered and requested by the employer for inspection and approval of the delivery. You will also be required to submit evaluations and conduct a detailed review of your work.

    The project fee is 10%. This percentage is added to the total cost of the project. Service fee is 10%. This percentage is applied to the total cost of the service.  

  • Payments For Freelancer

    Once the work or service is approved, the payment will be added to your balance and can be withdrawn at any time via Payoneer, bank transfer, PayPal or mobile money. For payments, first configure your payment settings and enter your payment details in the payment settings option on your dashboard.  



We have answered some frequently asked questions.

  • What can I sell?

    As a freelancer, you can sell a variety of products and services based on your skills and expertise, including:

    1. Writing and content creation
    2. Graphic design
    3. Web development
    4. Digital marketing
    5. Translation and interpretation
    6. Virtual assistance
    7. Photography and videography

    Find your niche and start selling!

  • How much time will I need to invest?

    The amount of time you need to invest as a freelancer depends on several factors, including the type of service you provide, your workload, and your goals.

  • How do I price my services?

    Pricing your services as a freelancer can be tricky, but setting fair and competitive prices is key to attracting clients and making a profit.

    Here are some factors to consider when determining your price:

    1. Market price: Research the rates of other freelancers offering similar services to get an idea of ​​what's standard in the market.

    2. Your skills and experience: If you have extensive experience and expertise in a particular area, you can charge a premium for your services.

    3. The scope of the project: Consider the amount of time and effort required for each project when setting your prices.

    4. Your operating costs: Factor in any expenses you incur in running your freelance business, such as equipment, software, and marketing costs.

    5. Your desired income: Determine how much income you need to generate to support yourself and your business, and set your prices accordingly.

    Remember, your prices should be fair and competitive, but they should also reflect the value you offer your customers. You can also offer different price points and packages to appeal to different customers with different budgets.

    It's also important to communicate your pricing clearly and openly to potential customers to avoid misunderstandings and confusion.  

  • How much does it cost to post service on GigCouncil?

    Registering and publishing services on GigCouncil is 100% free. 

  • How do I get paid?

    We offer 3 withdrawal methods:

    1. Paypal
    2. Payoneer
    3. Bank tranfer

    Choose what suits you the best!
